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Get the perfect overview of your finances in just 15 minutes.

Your free budget book app: Get a crystal clear overview of your finances in no time, get to know your real money guzzlers and keep more of your money left over from month to month.

Download now for free:

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App Impressions
100% Anonymous.

100% Anonymous.

No registration is necessary to use it. You remain completely anonymous and do not have to provide any data.

Maximum data security.

Maximum data security.

We use the latest standard of data encryption. Nobody can read your data, not even us as app developers.

Free forever!

Free forever!

OnePeek is and will remain free. This also applies to all subsequent premium features in the future.

BILD-Test winner ONEPEEK

"Very tidy and well thought out"

The simplest and most useful budget book app we found in the BILD test for iPhones is OnePeek., April 2023

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OnePeek is known from SternTV

As part of the SternTV special broadcast "That's how expensive Germany is" we were able to talk about the creation and background of the budget book app OnePeek.

Per Schippl

Per Schippl

financial coach

This is Onepeek

"OnePeek is the best budget book app that gives you a clear overview of your cash flows at all times."

App Impression

The dashboard gives you a unique overview

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Get the perfect overview of your monthly balance without any frills

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All fixed costs that are not deducted from your account on a monthly basis are also taken into account here.

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Use this clarity to continuously optimize your cash flows.

Recording your cash flows is child's play

Capture in no time:

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your income

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your fixed costs

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and your daily expenses (flexible costs)

App Impression
App Impression

Manage multiple budget books and share them with your loved ones

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Divide your finances into several budget books (for example "Personal", "Family", "Household"...).

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Share selected budget books with your loved ones to manage common finances together.

Download now

Get OnePeek for free from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store:

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What OnePeek users say

An excerpt from some of our users' app store reviews:

Finally simple

Review starReview starReview starReview starReview star

Finally something that is simple and banal in its function and does exactly what it is supposed to do without much effort.

Thanks for this cool app!

Review starReview starReview starReview starReview star

Simple, self-explanatory and easy to use even for people who don't like accounting. Thanks for this cool app!

Simply a great app

Review starReview starReview starReview starReview star

I've had the app since this month and I'm very happy with it. The app is very easy to understand and easy to use. Now I can finally see where all the money is going, great, thank you. Simply a great app. Thank you

This is exactly what I needed!

Review starReview starReview starReview starReview star

Wow - that's exactly what I needed! Thanks to SternTV... a brilliant, rock-solid and simple app that does exactly what it's supposed to!

Best app for financial overview.

Review starReview starReview starReview starReview star

Best app for financial overview. No complicated elements. Very clear and simple for a perfect overview. Simple app that lets you enter everything quickly and then see the rest straight away.

Simply recommendable!

Review starReview starReview starReview starReview star

Everyone who needs an overview of their finances should have this app. Highly recommended!

Very easy to use

Review starReview starReview starReview starReview star

I became aware of this app thanks to Stern-TV. The very easy handling and the clear functions make it a pleasant daily companion, in contrast to many other apps.

You don't need more

Review starReview starReview starReview starReview star

I had also seen the app on Stern TV and tried it out straight away. I am impressed by how simple and clear the app is! You don't need anything more.

From me clearly 5⭐️

Review starReview starReview starReview starReview star

Totally clear and easy to use. I've never had a quicker overview of my finances than with this app. I can highly recommend it to anyone who likes to keep an eye on their money and/or wants to keep an eye on it in the future. I give it a clear 5⭐️, keep it up!

Minimalistic and therefore very effective

Review starReview starReview starReview starReview star

It is very clear and very simple and is exactly what I need. Minimalistic and therefore very effective and I can no longer imagine my everyday life without it. I have my finances firmly under control thanks to the app.

An app must be just as simple and clear

Review starReview starReview starReview starReview star

The app is quite simple and clear, so everyone can see immediately what their expenses and income are. That's exactly how simple and clear an app should be!

Handling is self-explanatory

Review starReview starReview starReview starReview star

Great app for keeping track of all your finances. It's self-explanatory to use.

OnePeek is awesome!

Review starReview starReview starReview starReview star

I've already tested a few apps like this. But everything was too complicated and confusing for me. OnePeek is great! Clear, well designed, super easy to use. Compliments, really great!

Great app!

Review starReview starReview starReview starReview star

Great app! Does what it's supposed to and is very clearly laid out with good, understandable information texts; not too overloaded, but kept simple. I like it! 👍🏻

Best app for private accounting

Review starReview starReview starReview starReview star

I think the app is brilliant. No frills. Intuitive functionality. Best app for private bookkeeping.

Frequently asked questions about OnePeek:

Why is and will OnePeek remain free of charge?+

Will OnePeek continue to expand in the future?+

What features are planned next?+

How can I support OnePeek?+